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CO2-Auswirkungen: Zwischen Panikmache und Realität


Die Auswirkungen von COund Treibhausgasemissionen sind ein überall diskutiertes Thema, oft begleitet von beeindruckenden Zahlen und Vergleichen, die Alarm auslösen können. Doch halten wir kurz inne: Wenn wir lesen, dass ein Elektroauto jährlich 2,6 Tonnen CO  produziert, verglichen mit den 3,8 Tonnen eines herkömmlichen Autos, was bedeutet das wirklich für uns?

Manche sagen, das sei viel, andere meinen, es sei wenig, und wieder andere betonen, dass es bei Millionen von Fahrzeugen dennoch relevant ist. Aber was bedeuten diese Zahlen wirklich? Ist das Problem nur der Zahlenwert? Es reicht nicht aus, die Zahlen isoliert zu betrachten.

Es lohnt sich, einen Moment innezuhalten und darüber nachzudenken, wie unser Gehirn diese Informationen verarbeitet und wie Zahlen, ob in Prozent oder absolut, nichts aussagen, wenn sie nicht im richtigen Kontext stehen. Aber das allein reicht noch nicht: Um ein genaues und verantwortungsbewusstes Verständnis des Problems zu entwickeln, ist es entscheidend, auch die Folgen der getroffenen Entscheidungen zu bewerten. Die Frage ist: Werden alle Zusammenhänge, sowohl beim Handeln als auch beim Nichthandeln, berücksichtigt, oder arbeiten wir nur mit unvollständigen Informationen? Nur mit einem umfassenden Blick können wir bewusste Entscheidungen treffen und Manipulationen oder verzerrte Interpretationen vermeiden.

Die folgenden Daten, die aus verschiedenen Quellen stammen, erheben keinen Anspruch auf „Richtigkeit“, sondern sollen ein Gefühl für die Größenordnung vermitteln und einen globalen Überblick ermöglichen.

Comfort and well-being in the workplace are directly related to team productivity. Aggregated monitoring and targeted data collection of thermal conditions, lighting, acoustics, and ventilation are not possible with traditional building automation. In the PoC for a Swiss major bank, we make the quality of the indoor climate visible and controllable through various interfaces using Eliona.

Conventional Scenario

  • Room climate only partially controllable by users

  • Limited coordination of light, noise, and air conditions

  • No information provided to end-users

IoT Approach

  • Evaluation of IEQ values through various interfaces in Eliona

  • Individual climate zones within the room

  • Trend analysis, data collection, and targeted alarming

  • Information to end-users with optional control of certain IEQ factors

For a cost-benefit analysis, not only the short-term installation costs should be considered. It is also important to include long-term operation, benefits in monitoring, reporting, or usability, as well as new interaction possibilities in the calculation.

Basically, in this PoC, it is clearly defined that an IoT solution is about 25-30% cheaper in terms of acquisition and operation than a conventional GA solution. Additionally, the IoT solution allows the end-user (in this case, employees) to directly control the climatic conditions at their workplace, which would not have been possible with conventional methods.

The clear results from the PoC finally convinced the client to examine the topic of Smart Building and IEQ worldwide at their office locations and to implement Eliona starting from 2023.

Comfort and well-being in the workplace are directly related to team productivity. Aggregated monitoring and targeted data collection of thermal conditions, lighting, acoustics, and ventilation are not possible with traditional building automation. In the PoC for a Swiss major bank, we make the quality of the indoor climate visible and controllable through various interfaces using Eliona.

Conventional Scenario

  • Room climate only partially controllable by users

  • Limited coordination of light, noise, and air conditions

  • No information provided to end-users

IoT Approach

  • Evaluation of IEQ values through various interfaces in Eliona

  • Individual climate zones within the room

  • Trend analysis, data collection, and targeted alarming

  • Information to end-users with optional control of certain IEQ factors

For a cost-benefit analysis, not only the short-term installation costs should be considered. It is also important to include long-term operation, benefits in monitoring, reporting, or usability, as well as new interaction possibilities in the calculation.

Basically, in this PoC, it is clearly defined that an IoT solution is about 25-30% cheaper in terms of acquisition and operation than a conventional GA solution. Additionally, the IoT solution allows the end-user (in this case, employees) to directly control the climatic conditions at their workplace, which would not have been possible with conventional methods.

The clear results from the PoC finally convinced the client to examine the topic of Smart Building and IEQ worldwide at their office locations and to implement Eliona starting from 2023.

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